Friday, 28 March 2014

Boat race

This weekend is the start of the Henley Boat Races.  I saw a poster as I wandered around Henley in my lunch break and idly thought of how nice it would be to go, if only for the catering available.  But, I don't 'get' rowing.  What's it all about?

I am definitely up for some food foofery though.

Friday, 21 March 2014

Thai holiday memories

We went to Thailand last month, got back, and just slipped back into our real lives.  That was a shame.  We haven't had anything Thai since, so we thought we should remember what lack of rain and cold was like, and what adventures we had.

Since we had a cooking course while we were there, Ian wants to have a go at making what we were taught tonight.

We stayed in a sort of nice hotel up a bit of a hill from central Katon.  The view from the rooftop was of the surrounding mountains, and was lovely and peaceful.  Coming from grey, grey England, seeing beautiful hot pink flowers was uplifting.

Thai music ain't gonna cut it though, so will have to try something else.

Friday, 14 March 2014

Hold the LINE

Today is my last day at LINE Communications.  It's been an interesting contract, seven months long, and I have made some great proper friends (a shout out to the very, very awesome Phil).  There are also very few companies that are truly inclusive of contractors and let them go to events like Christmas Do's.  Which you know I super duper LOVE!

There have been some intense projects and I made some great and groovy stuff.  The two main projects I worked on were for BP Castrol and the NHS Leadership programme.

I know it's weird and strange to do a theme around some company you have just left, but I think it's a nice way to reminisce and, um, well, eat and drink the memories?  Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm weird.

The picture is of the entrance to the building.  How cool is the font?

Friday, 7 March 2014

Rabbit with a pancake on its head

It was Pancake Day this week but we didn't have the energy or interest to whip up pancakes.  How about a whole relaxing evening dedicated to the cause?

Here's a picture of a rabbit with a pancake on its head.  I think this is one of the earliest memes I encountered about a Chinese rabbit called Oolong.  Heck, before they were even called 'memes'.  The owner used to put items on his head and photograph them.  There is no reason, THAT'S WHAT MAKES IT SO BRILLIANT.

Food wise, there's lots of pancake possibilities, but what on earth can I do on music?!  Who would choose to write a song about a pancake?!