Friday, 31 January 2014

恭喜发财 Kung hei fat choi

Happy New Year!  Today we're gonna celebrate the Chinese New Year; we're now in the year of the horse.

If you haven't kept your New Year's resolutions, look, you can start again at this point!  Yay.

We are going to look at Chinese food and music and see what it's all like (the former I only know from Chinese restuarants, we haven't really done much beyond stir fries at home).

Friday, 24 January 2014

Brought to you by the letter T

This evening we wanted to make Tamales.

I have tried to think of a groovy theme to go around that and I am just going with the letter T.

In the picture Cookie monster is telling us about the letter T via the medium of the story of how he was so hungry he wants to eat his hat (that's a T).  I hear where he's coming from.

So food and music beginning with T.  Not inspired, but whatevs.

Friday, 17 January 2014

Green Day

A green day is a wasted day smoking weed.  I am far too old for that, but in my mind, a green day is one where you truly set out to accomplish nothing.  Not in a depressing bad way, more as in there's nothing to achieve and just do pointless stuff and no chores.

I think everyone can benefit from one of those, and especially people like me who are too frenetic.

Green Day are obviously a band, and one that fits into the pop punk genre that Ian likes.