Friday, 28 June 2013

3 is the magic number

Tumblr (the blog people) sent me an email congratulating me for three years of blogging.  Yes, yes, I know we're on Blogger right now, but I started it all off on Tumblr before they caused me to want to throw my laptop violently across the room with their lack of saving my precious words.

We have been doing FridayDateNights from the first time he made me game casserole many years back when we were all cute and new, and have, so I gather, been actually blogging it for three freakin' years.

And sometimes, wow, it's a pain thinking up a theme (and you'll have seen some desperate choices), deciding food, prepping, choosing music and writing it all up.  But, it's fun to read back on, not least because I am destroying my memory with all the lovely cocktails.

Friday, 14 June 2013

The Leftovers

How does the music turn out once someone has left the band?  Does the band try and imagine it's all the same as it was?  Do they go another direction?

Tonight we're looking at the music produced by the people leftover after someone leaves.

And an easy food theme!  We are a bit on a budget tonight as we thought we should pay a council tax payment rather than buy lots of food.  I KNOW!