Friday, 25 January 2013

Burrrns night

Well, we have to celebrate Robbie Burns on this important day that celebrates, ummm, a long dead poet?

Hubbie loves haggis, but I have requested that he tones it down a bit and that it isn't the main course.  He loves my whiny challenges.

For music, I am putting together a selection of Scottish bands.

Fair fa' your honest, sonsie face,
Great chieftain o' the puddin-race!

Friday, 18 January 2013

Apres ski

Today the UK is - as we are shocked every year to be - at a standstill because of the snow.  Don't get me wrong, it's awesome.  Not only pretty but meaning one needs to work from home.


Tonight we are going to embrace the best thing about snow.  No, not snowmen, snow ball fights or snow angels.  Skiing!  Tonight is apres ski.

The food will keep us warm and fat laden enough for a fictional eight hours of skiing tomorrow.

Oh and the music...

Friday, 11 January 2013

Come Back to Texas

Unfathomable that we didn't do a Texas theme after our awesome holiday last year.  What a missed opportunity and how we are leaping onto it today!

Not sure it suits this January weather, with its snow warnings, but whatevs.

Food will be recipes from Home Sick Texan (the glossy recipe book is one of our favourites) and the music is from Wikipedia's extensive (?) list of bands from Texas.  It's a crappy list, but a start point.  Turns out that's all sorts of genres coming out of this state from Beyonce to Meatloaf.

Friday, 4 January 2013

2012 Retrospective

2012 eh?  What was all that about?

As is traditional (ahem, maybe done once), we're gonna do a round up of a selection of tunes from the various themes for the year and he's choosing his favourite dishes to make again.

An up and down year.  Much in the way of Britishness with the Jubilee and the Olympics, which was fun and people were happy.  Loved the opening ceremony of the Olympics.

Started a degree with the Open Uni and met some great new student friends - especially Avril, who is my secret twin.  Went to Scotland twice and saw the lovely Bel.  Lex saves me from a darktime with wig wearing and geekie films, along with the awesome Tori and Sarah.  Love them!  More please in 2013.

Had an amazing Texan holiday, Barcelona, Euro Disney... Work stuff was meh (thankfully into a new year away from that).  Overall the year gets a B-.  The year was generally not stand out memorable, but the Texas holiday raised it out of mediocrity.  Oh we must return.

And in December we discovered the lure of online gaming in D&D Online.